Saturday Survey: Would You Adopt a Disabled Dog

I posted earlier this week about Rocky, a disabled and retired military war dog who needed to be adopted.  Camp Pendleton was apparently overrun with requests to adopt the distinguished 3-tour veteran of Iraq.

I’ve personally never taken in a differently-abled dog (my kids are enough of a handful!)  Would you adopt a dog with special needs?  Keep in mind these are the dogs most often euthanized when they wind up in shelters.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

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6 thoughts on “Saturday Survey: Would You Adopt a Disabled Dog”

  1. I have two disabled dogs, both in wheels. They are fabulous, They are the same as other pets, they just do it a bit differently. If I did not already have “other” abled pets, I would have more disabled pets

  2. Yes!!! Please help out any disabled dogs or cats that you can! If you are interested in adopting a dog that is disabled,look up a website called”Pets with Disabilities”. It is in Prince Frederick,Maryland and is run by wonderful people who supply dogs with wheelchairs to make them mobile and happy-check ’em out!!

  3. Wow! This is a tough question which brings to mind so many more questions rather than simple answers! Would I consider adopting a disabled dog? Hmmmmmm ……..

    I would like to be among those few honorable individuals who are ready, willing and able to devote their lives to an animal that requires a whole lot more care. However, I fear I might not be.

    The reason I know that to be true is because when I set out to look for new dogs to adopt, I first and foremost look at how “cute” they are. I’m ashamed of it, but there you have my answer — I would probably not consider adopting a disabled dog with special needs.

    Oh, but I’m so grateful to people who don’t only consider it but also take steps to actually do it. My hat is off to them with awe and respect.

  4. Pets and their beloved human parents need the other for love and comfort,
    as ths story shows. It’s wonderful going through the years together to share the ups and downs.

  5. If I weren’t semi-disabled myself, I would. I am fortunate that Brittany, my 13 yr. old adopted beagle, seems some what tolerant of my inability to walk her as much and as far as she might like–genuine simulated artificial knees and an A-fib patient, our walks are not even half of what we used to do last year. At least now I am able to stay upright on my feet for the whole short distance; two months ago a sit-down rest was required every half block or less.
    Brit occasionally manifests “asthma”-like symptoms, dry retching and hawking like she was trying to cough up a hair-ball; this is always an unproductive event. Still, rarely as it happens, I have always been quick to soothingly pet and stroke her throat and belly. Last week was the first time ever in our four years together that she ran to me and leaned against my knee for comfort when an attack began.

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