Tuesday Top Ten: Ways to Help Your Local Animal Shelter

dreamstime_xs_28964370October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, but I know not everyone has room in their home for a new dog this month. So, we present the top ten ways you can help your local shelter, even if adoption isn’t in the cards for this month.

10. Donate cleaning supplies
9. Spread the word about the dogs waiting to be adopted. Post information on your personal Facebook page, send Tweets, take photos and post them on Instagram, and use Pinterest to promote shelter dog adoption.
8. Donate toys and food.
7. Encourage friends to adopt a shelter dog if you hear them talking about adding to their families. Educate prospective dog families about what to expect out of a dog and about the importance of spaying or neutering as soon as possible.
6. Donate leashes and collars.
5. Ask your vet if he’ll donate spay / neuter services, or offer to pay him to spay / neuter a couple of shelter pets.
4. Donate office supplies.
3. Hold a fundraiser – sell lemonade, wash cars, or put together some baskets to auction off at your next gathering.
2. volunteer your time as a dog walker, cage cleaner, or office worker.
1. Provide for your local shelter in your will.

And, of course, if you can find it in your heart, adopt a shelter dog!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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