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Brampton: Labrador Retriever Breeders

Below is a sample search of our Labrador Retriever breeders with puppies for sale. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. From there you can see photos of their pups, find detailed information on their web page and contact them by e-mail, phone and even get driving directions.

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Important: has not screened the listed breeders and accepts no responsibility for their reputation or quality. It is your responsibility to investigate. See How to Find a Dog.

Warner Hill Labradors

Lancaster, NY, 14086

Services: Puppies

Responsible breeder of AKC English type Labrador Retrievers. Parents have OFA, CERF, Heart Echo and other genetic clearancesWe have black and yellow puppies ready to go to homes in mid December 2024

M & L Labrador Retrievers

Penn Yan, NY, 14527

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

We breed quality English Type Labradors of all three colors. Our breeding program is based on good temperamentfor the family pet or familyGundog. A Check our website forupdated Puppy information

Russford Labradors

Bath, NY, 14810

Services: Puppies

Small hobby breeder producing beautiful, healthy, even tempered Labradors. AKC Champions, competing in Conformation, Rally, & Obedience, Health tested & guaranteed. Visit our site for more information

Cornerpost Labradors

Jasper, NY, 14855

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

We are a small family breeder of English Labs with blocky heads and thick otter tails. All of our dogs are also house pets and the puppies are raised in the home underfoot with full time attention.

Peak Performance Labradors

Chaumont, NY, 13622

Services: Puppies,Stud Service

PUPPIES AVAILABLE! Our breeding program focuses on producing quality Labradors with good temperaments,intelligence and trainability for both family companions and hunting partners.

4 the luv of labs

New Castle, PA, 16101

Services: Puppies

I have been raising Labs since 1993.  All my puppies are hand delivered and raised in my home. I require a face to face meeting to new qualified parents.


Grampian, PA, 16838

Services: Puppies



East Palestine,, OH, 44413

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

We breed quality English Labrador Retrievers. We have yellows, blacks, and chocolates. They are highly intelligent family pets as well as excellent retrievers on land and water.

Maple Creek Labradors

Alliance, OH, 44601

Services: Puppies,Stud Service

PUPS EXPECTED JULY 2024-Quality Labrador Retrievers-English, blocky, calm. Striving for excellent quality with emphasis on temperament, conformation, intelligence and all around health

Woody Farms


Services: Puppies,Stud Service

We will have numerous litters in 2020 containing all colors.

Barnyard Labradors

Earlville, NY, 13332

Services: Puppies,Stud Service

Barnyard Labradors is a family run small hobby operation providing quality Labrador Retrievers.

Steadfast Labrador Retrievers

Holland Patent, NY, 13354

Services: Puppies,Stud Service

We are a small hobby kennel located in Central NY specializing in top quality English Labs. Please email us, or call for more information.

Paisley Jane Labs

Dellroy, OH, 44620

Services: Puppies

Paisley Jane Labs is a small home based breeder in Dellroy, Ohio. All puppies come with a health and hip guarantee as our dogs have extensive genetic and hip testing.

Briar Hill Labradors

Roaring Spring, PA, 16673

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Briar Hill Labradors has been breeding show quality English Lab puppies from health tested parents since 2003. Expecting light red/dark yellows Dec. 2024, ready mid-Feb. 2025

Royalty Labrador Kennel

Fostoria, OH, 44830

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

Expecting Christmas puppies 2024. Ready 3 days before Christmas all three colors. registered AKC Labradors both parents on site. they will be born around Nov.4th and taking $200 deposits now. Photos


Hegins , Pa, 17938

Services: Puppies,Stud Service

Hutzpah is now standing at stud. Karizma Kennels is looking to do a repeat breeding next spring. Taking reservations now. AKC and UKC registered. Sire is Multi Best of Breed Champ & UKC Champ

Startop Labradors

Fonda, NY, 12068

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

~AKC Breeder Of Merit~Champion AKC English Labradors - Show, Perf. and Pet. OFA, ACVO, DNA - health guarantee. Bred for temperament, health and conformation. Pet Puppies available occasionally

Caledonia Labradors

Stroudsburg, PA, 18301

Services: Puppies

Hobbyist dog breeders of LabradorsAKC certifiedBlack Labrador's available for sale nowExcellent lineage Bred for genetic soundnessConformation to breed standardHunting & Show Medically cleared


Hunter, NY, 12442

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

Gorgeous yellow and black pups born in my kitchen on 12/12/2024. Superb health clearances.Vet checked and vaccinated.Wormed.World Champion bloodlines. Sweet. See my MacHenryLabradors facebook page.

Zions March Labradors

Stevens, PA, 17578

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Breeders of AKC English Black, Yellow, and Chocolate Labrador Retrievers. 1 Black Female available Black, Choco, and Yellow pups fall of 2023

Lititz Labrador's

Lititz, PA, 17543

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

We breed Quality fox red and yellow/white English labs.

Ambassador Retrievers

Denver, PA, 17517

Services: Puppies,Stud Service

We are currently offering Chocolate and Fox Red stud service. We have 4 fox red and 2 Chocolates to chose from. Call or text us to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our stunning males.

Clarks Loyal Labradors

Antwerp , OH, 45813

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Do not miss out on the opportunity of adding one of our pups to your family. Please visit our website to see why our pups are so great!ENS, ESI, vaccinated, Microchipped, training opt. &SO MUCH MORE

Lynnwood Retrievers

Wantage, NJ, 07461

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Proudly offering AKC puppies. Our puppies health, sound temperaments, trainability and beauty comes from our selective breeding program and great bloodlines. Litters due: yellow, black and chocolate

Black Bridge Labradors

Parkersburg , WV, 26105

Services: Puppies

At Black Bridge Labradors we strive first to have happy healthy puppies who represent English Labrador breed qualities. These are bigger boned , blocky head with thick fur. Playful& intelligent.

Jadon M Smoker

Strasburg, PA, 17579

Services: Puppies

Family raised AKC Silver Lab puppies.

Dana's Domain

Strasburg, PA, 17579

Services: Puppies

no puppies avaialable.

Meck Family Labradors

Strasburg, PA, 17579

Services: Puppies

Currently no puppies available but please check with us to see when we are expecting our next litter!

Ivy Spring Labradors

Stewartstown, PA, 17363

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

We have a small kennel located in York County, Pennsylvania. We breed black, chocolate and yellow English style Labrador Retrievers, and try to match the AKC breed standard as closely as possible.

Spring Valley Labradors

Freeland , MD, 21053

Services: Puppies

Kodi’s daughter Cricket, our fox red girl has been bred to Flint and they are expecting a litter of black and yellow puppies on 7/14/23! Please call 443-910-1028 or email if interested


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