Tag Archives: Saturday Survey

Saturday Survey: Dealing with a crippled dog

Earlier in the week, we featured a story about a paraplegic dog whose owner faithfully walked him every day, using a special harness to compensate for the dog’s disability. I’m not sure I would be able to keep up with that, which got me to wondering what people do when their dogs become crippled.

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Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: What Has Your Dog Destroyed?

Since I posted the picture of the panicked dog who ate through a door yesterday, and since my dear, sweet (HA!) Daisy chewed through my remote control this week, I thought an appropriate question for today’s survey would be to ask about what your dog has chewed or destroyed.

I can remember my dad saying our collie, Lady, nearly chewed the legs off of the picnic table when she was a pup. My dogs have always enjoyed a good piece of furniture.

[poll id=”15″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: White House Statement on Breed Specific Legislation

Somehow during a week dominated by the introduction of Sunny, his family’s new dog, President Obama was able to address the topic of breed specific legislation. What is breed specific legislation or BSL? It is any law that seeks to make it illegal to own a specific dog because of his or her breed. BSL has been used particularly against pit bulls. Advocates of BSL say it keeps people safer by limiting the number of dangerous dogs being kept as family pets. Those against BSL say there are no bad breeds, only bad breeders and owners who teach their dogs to be aggressive and / or dangerous.

Continue reading Saturday Survey: White House Statement on Breed Specific Legislation