No Skateboarding Tillman the Bulldog in 2014 Rose Parade

This clip is from the 2010 parade.  Did you watch the parade this year?  Wonder why Tillman, the skateboarding bulldog wasn’t in it?  Here’s the scoop:

For the past five years, Tillman has performed on a float for Natural Balance Pet Foods, whose president was Joey Herrick. However, Mr. Herrick has now left the company and is heading up a non-profit organization called The Lucy Pet Foundation, dedicated to preventing shelter euthanasia by promoting spay / neuter options.

The Foundation is named after Herrick’s dog, whom he found pregnant by the side of the road with tire tracks on her back. They currently have one surgery truck on the road, and it has performed over 250 spay / neuter procedures. The goal is to have one truck in each state so they can provide services throughout the country.

“There’s no better way to create awareness for anything than the Rose Parade,” Herrick said. “My floats have been very successful the last five years and this year is no exception.”

This year’s float will feature dogs performing tricks with Frisbees from Stunt Dog Productions. Other notable dogs appearing will include Daniel, the beagle who survived an Alabama shelter gas chamber when he was six months old, and Ranger, a rescue dog who was paired with Iraqi war vet Jose Pila to help him cope with PTSD. Pila won the “How a Rescue Dog Changed My Life” contest to win the coveted spot on the float.

I’ll post a clip of the float when it becomes available.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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