News from the world of dog fighting News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.First the good news: In Alabama, where 55 dogs were recently rescued from a dog fighting ring, one of the “people” has pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to five years in prison. Roderick Sweetwyne was the first of the six suspects to plead to any charges. He could have received up to 20 years, but apparently got only five because he pleaded out.

Meanwhile in Wisconsin, U.S. Attorney James Santelle and Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm recently held a press conference to announce the arrest of 13 people after a year-long investigation into a dog fighting ring there.

Tiana Arnold, Demetrius Boyce, Alicia Brown, Tyrone Lewis, Cheryl Richards, Gary Richards, Terry Robinson, Emmitt Smith, Darry Wortham and William Walker were indicted on federal charges and have all been arrested, except for Walker. Travis Hazlett and Thomas Zollicoffer were arrested on state felony warrants.

Twenty-three dogs, one deceased, were seized, but we have no word on their condition or who is caring for them.

Now for the not-so-good news: The Buffalo News is reporting an increase in dog fighting in their area. The city had at one time had a task force that met regularly, but it hasn’t met in months. However, following the December arrest of Buffalo city policeman Shannon Richardson for alleged crimes related to dog fighting, the task force is being revived.

Other evidence of dog fighting in the area includes dead dogs turning up in a cemetery and in garbage totes. In addition, a dog was found hanging in a basement on the city’s east side.

Buffalo Police Lt. Steven J. Nichols says, ” They’ll give up a drug dealer before they give up a dog fighter. Dog fighters are a tight-knit group. They don’t talk a lot, and they don’t turn on each other.”

The task force will be working with neighborhood block groups to encourage people to call the police when they see signs of dog fighting in their communities.

It’s a start, but more needs to be done. Come back tomorrow for our Saturday Survey and tell us your ideas for getting rid of dog fighting for good.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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2 thoughts on “News from the world of dog fighting”

  1. People who abuse animals need to face stiff sentencing – long term jail, hefty fines, & forfeiture of all of their property – houses, cars, cash – ALL of it! Maybe if they have to WORK to get their stuff back, they won’t have time to engage in criminal acts. In addition, create a national registry for offenders, make them register like SEX offenders, & don’t allow them to obtain more animals.

  2. The Milwaukee dogs went to MADACC (Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission) to join about 16 of their other fight bust dogs awaiting the trial of their abusers. Those 16 dogs have been there for 3 years. Follow along on FB, “Save Milwaukee’s Court Case Dogs”.

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