Two stories caught my interest last weekend:
Barbara Streisand’s dog apparently bit a flight attendant, and in a totally unrelated incident, a dog fell out of an airplane in Lexington, Ky. Two totally different stories, both occurring at the intersection of dogs and airplanes.
First up: Barbra Streisand is often photographed with her 12-year old Coton de Tulear, Samantha. Like many of us, she totally dotes on her four-legged family member. Unlike most of us, however, she is able to charter private planes when she needs to travel. And on private planes, you don’t have to check your dog as luggage, so Samantha was free to roam the cabin of the aircraft. US Magazine recently reported that a flight attendant, apparently unfamiliar with basic dog common sense, attempted to pat the dog without first letting the dog sniff her hand.
Sammie took offense and bit the attendant’s hand badly enough to require stitches. Streisand was reportedly horrified and offered profuse apologies.
The other bit of airplane news is much more tragic. The Inquisitor has a story about the generally wonderful organization known as Pilots N Paws. They are a group of private plane enthusiasts who pick up dogs from areas where shelters are full and transport them to areas where there is room. They are an awesome organization. Unfortunately, one of the pilots experienced a mishap while taking off from Blue Grass Airport in Lexington, KY.
He was to ferry a mother and her five puppies from Lexington to another location. Shortly after takeoff, one of the plane’s doors came open and the mama dog fell out. She perished in the fall. Although there was some fear that a couple of the puppies had also fallen out, they were all five found hiding under seats in the plane’s cabin. Thank God for small miracles!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!