Nicholas Petit remains in the lead, leaving Kaltag this morning at 1:43 am after dropping one dog. He continues on with 13 dogs and has had an average speed of 4.53 mph.
Joar Leifseth Ulsom rose to 2nd place, leaving Kaltag at 3:13 this morning with 13 dogs, having had an average speed of 5.09 mph.
In the third spot, Mitch Seavey left two minutes behind Ulsom. He left one dog in Kaltag and currently has 11 dogs on sled. His average speed has been 5.11 mph.
Richie Diehl is in 4th place. He left Kaltag at 7:29 this morning, leaving one dog behind. He is now traveling with 12 dogs and has had an average speed of 5.86 mph.
Peter Kaiser has now moved into the top five, leaving Kaltag just one minute behind Diehl. He also dropped one dog, leaving him with 11. Their average speed has been 5.84 mph.
Ray Redington, Jr. left simultaneously with Diehl at 7:30, but he had arrived at Kaltag one minute later, so is listed in 6th place.
Robert Redington, Scott White, DeeDee Jonrowe and Zoya DeNure have all scratched.
Until next time,
Good day and good dog!