Whether you call it Veterans Day or Remembrance Day, all of us at doggies.com and breeders.net want to express our deep appreciation to all who have served or are serving, whether you have two legs or four.
From all of us at doggies.com and breeders.net, our deepest thanks to our veterans, both 2-legged and 4-legged for defending the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are awed by your courage and sacrifice.
A collection of photos honoring our K-9 military heroes. (And doesn’t the last one remind you of Arte Johnson’s sentry character on Laugh-in? Verrrrrry Interesting!)
I normally try not to get toooo serious on here, but today is a very special day. I want to say thank you and happy veteran’s day to Dr. Allen and his wonderful staff, and to all the other vets out there that keep our dogs and cats safe.
This is just a short snippet from NBC, but I thought it was appropriate for Veterans Day. I’m planning a trip to San Antonio this winter, and I’m putting this on my list as a must-see, so I’ll get some up close and personal pictures for you while I”m there. Continue reading Military Unveils Monument to Dogs in Combat→
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