Tuesday Top Ten: Tips for Camping With Your Dog

Camping season is officially here!  Have you ever thought about taking your dog with you?  Here’s our top ten list of tips for making that camping trip successful and fun for both you and your dog.

10.  Have your vet give your dog a check-up before you leave.  Make sure vaccinations are up to date, and see if there are any special precautions you must take for the area you intend to visit.

9.  Pack a dog first aid kit.

8.  Make sure your dog’s tags include a number that can be reached even if you have no cell coverage in the campgrounds.

7.  Crate or properly restrain your dog in the car.  Seatbelts are just as important for our 4-legged kids as they are for our two-leggers.

6.  Never, never, never leave your dog alone in a parked car.  It’s just too hot.

5.  Bring enough bottled water for your dog if you will be in an area where you wouldn’t dare drink out of the streams yourself.

4.  Take short day-trips that are comparable to where you will be setting up camp.  This allows your dog time to get used to the idea before you are 300 miles from home and find out he doesn’t like tents.

3.  Clean up after your dog.  Bury his waste off the trail if you don’t have a way to transport it back to a garbage can.

2.  Respect your campsite neighbors.  Don’t bring your dog if he or she barks for 20 minutes every time a squirrel strolls by.

1.  Check your dog every day for ticks.  Remove them by grasping them with tweezers as close to the head as possible and pulling them out firmly.

For more information about camping with your pet, see ProBioticSmart.  And check out the next issue of Straight Poop for an article on the subject.

Until next time,

Good day, good camping, and good dog!

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