Category Archives: Dog Accessories

Dog Secret Exposed: Why Santa Never Came to my House Last Year

For almost a year I thought I’d unknowingly done something terrible that left an empty floor under my tree last Christmas morning.

My neighbor just came clean and has captured the real truth in this 8 inch sculpture.  Embarrassingly, that… would be my dog.

My apologies to anyone else on my street that didn’t get any gifts last year 🙂

This $8 decoration from Collections Etc explains it all!  Sure to bring some holiday cheer to any dog lover!

Saturday Survey: Your Dog’s Easter Bonnet

I can’t believe Easter is nearly here already.  I just put the finishing touches on my kids’ baskets this morning.  The dogs don’t celebrate at my house – maybe just an extra treat or two.

With both Easter and the Royal Wedding just around the corner, it got me to thinking about hats.  Would your dog wear one?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Your Dog’s Easter Bonnet