Category Archives: Dog Accessories

PetWeighter Non-Skid Bowl

Penny loves her new bowl!
Penny loves her new bowl!
I was asked recently to review the PetWeighter dog dish, advertised not to slip and slide across the floor while your dog eats. I was skeptical, but have to say I was pleasantly surprised. After 4 days of use, it is still in the exact same place where I put it. See the old dish in the lower right corner of the picture, halfway off the mat? Usually, I find it halfway across the kitchen after meals, sometimes as far away as the bathroom!
Continue reading PetWeighter Non-Skid Bowl

Saturday Survey: Canine Fitness Trackers

rp_Saturday-Survey-Graphic-350x2331-350x233-350x233-350x2331-350x233-350x233-350x233-350x233-350x233-350x233.jpgI don’t even have a fitness tracker for myself; I can’t imagine spending $300 to buy one for my dog. But, I accept that there are many (most?) people who are way more concerned about fitness than I am.

My post earlier this week highlighted the new Actijoy fitness tracker for dogs. Would you buy one?

[poll id=”133″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Fitness Tracker for Your Dog

dog treadmillNow that I work from home, I can see that my dog, Penny, spends most of her days sleeping on the couch. Of course, she’s 12 years old, so that’s probably pretty typical. If you have a younger dog and want to get a good idea of how much exercise he or she is getting, a fitness tracker may be just the ticket. Continue reading Fitness Tracker for Your Dog