I hope you’ve enjoyed playing along all week! As promised, here are the answers for each day, showing the year won, the dog’s registered name, and the owner’s name(s).
1. 1933 Ch Warland Protector of Shelterock, Airedale Terrier, S M Stewart
2. 1947 – Ch Warlord of Mazelaine, Boxer, Mrs. & Mrs. RC Kettles Jr (Also won in 1946)
3. 1955 – Ch Kippax Fearnought, Bulldog, Dr. JA Saylor (Also won in 1954)
4. 1962 – Ch Elfinbrook Simon, West Highland White Terrier, Wishing Well Kennels
5. 1972 – Ch Chinoe’s Adamant James, English Springer Spaniel (Also won in 1971)
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