World-record holding dogs

From our friends at the Guinness Book of World Records, here are a few records held by dogs.

Gibson, a Great Dane, was measured at 42.2 inches tall on August 31, 2004.

Mon Ami von der Oelmuhle, an Irish Wolfhound measures 91.3 inches from nose to tail tip.  With a name like that, he’d better be big!

Heaven Sent Brandy, a Chihuahua measured 6 inches from the tip of the tail to the nose on January 31, 2005.

Tigger, a Bloodhound, has the longest ears, measured at 13.75 inches on one side and 13.5 inches on the other on September 29, 2004.

Striker, a Border Collie, was able to roll down a car window in 11.34 seconds.  For those of you who are very young, go ask your parents what it means to ROLL down a car window.  (See also:  winding a watch, and listening to a vinyl record.)

Cinderella May, a Holly Grey, holds the record for the highest jump of 68 inches.

Augie, a Golden Retriever, held five tennis balls in her mouth at one time.

But no one can match my Cooper’s record for the most number of times humping the same female dog (Kayla) – at least 6 times a day, every day, since we’ve had him.  Yes, he’s fixed.  No, it hasn’t made any difference at all.   (I know, TMI!)

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

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5 thoughts on “World-record holding dogs”

  1. my dog eats so much, he once ate an onion if your not careful he will eat anything but the problem is is that he won’t eat dog food no matter what

  2. My dog could probably get Most Failed Attempts to Catch Nonexistant Tail. Although she has now resorted to catching her leg since he nub is less than an inch long. It is quite a sight when a 60lb dog catches her leg and falls to the floor. It’s a thrilling life when you’re a Boxer.

  3. My name is Vincent Thomas Pug but everyone calls me “Vinny the Pug” for short. Years ago I set out to create a new “Guinness World Record” for climbing and posing atop boulders in Arizona. Over the course of several years, I amassed an image library of several thousand pictures of me on top of boulders that I had scaled. You can GOOGLE my name “Vinny the Pug” .

    You can also visit my “Justice for Vinny” website seeking signatures to get “Guinness” to recognize my world record attempt. Please visit this link:

    Thanks you for this wonderful service. If you have any questions, please forward them to my human Allen at the phone number below.

    Allen Kimble (504-460-1110)


    Vinny the Pug
    New Orleans, La.

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