Hurricane Preparedness

never leave behindAlthough Dorian can’t seem to decide when – or if – to hit the US mainland, we thought it might be good to offer a few preparedness tips, whether for this one or the inevitable next one.

First, make sure you include your dog in your evacuation plans. Call during good weather to check on pet-friendly hotel availability or inland shelters that will accept dogs. Laws have changed recently, making it much easier to bring your pet along when you evacuate, so if you haven’t checked in a while, you may want to make a new list of options.

If you can, pick up a pet or two from your local shelter on your way out of town. They will need help evacuating and if everyone just takes one animal, they may be able to get them all out in time.

belly labelWrite your dog’s name and your phone number on your dog’s tummy, in case you get separated.

Prepare a hurricane go bag for your dog, including bowls, food, meds, a toy or two, and vet records. Many shelters will require evidence of vaccinations before admitting you.

Good luck to those of you who may be in Dorian’s path. I hope it takes a major turn east.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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