Look who I met at the drugstore curbside pick-up! Meet Bolo and his new little sister, 7-week old Queen. And their very nice family, of course. Made the wait time go much faster!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
My new friends, Fitz and Jeb, from Wolf Creek Farm, last night’s awesome B&B in Ararat, VA.
Next stop: HOME!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Thanks to friend-of-the-blogger Craig for sharing these wonderful pictures of his new buddy. It’s pretty exciting – apparently Cinjun’s litter mate lives with Billy Joel! This beautiful dog came from Woodleigh Farms and hunting preserve in Ontario, Canada.
I just loved Craig’s captions, so had to give you the whole show he sent!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Thanks to brother-of-the-blogger Jim for sending this. Not all dogs, but too cute not to share!
Until next time,
Goog day, and good dog!