Comfort dogs have been on my mind this week and in the news a lot lately, which probably reflects the heightened level of stress we’re all feeling as COVID drags on and the holidays approach. Here’s a video about comfort dogs at work in courthouses in Hillsborough County.
Santiago Esparza, 8, gearing up to receive his first COVID-19 dose of the vaccine with the support of a furry friend at the National Children’s Hospital in Washington D.C. Photo: National Children’s Hospital
We have had a major upset at my house with the change of seasons. Checkers, the Coonhound in the background looking like the world has ended, has taken her afternoon snoozle in my lap all summer because Rosie the Vizsla wasn’t interested. However, now that the weather is a bit cooler, Rosie is all about being a lap dog.
For the past couple of days, Checkers has been spending a lot of time barking and whining at the back door, but not wanting to go outside. I couldn’t figure it out until it finally dawned on me that we went through this last fall, too. Checkers hopes that she will entice Rosie to get off my lap to see what’s going on so she (Checkers) can jump up on me for her turn. Rosie is a year smarter now and isn’t falling for it, and I have yet to convince them that they will both fit at the same time.
Oh, the joys of having multiple dogs in the family!
From the good folks at THV11 in Little Rock: Getting to work on public transportation can sometimes be a headache. But in one of Europe’s largest cities, commuters say a canine companion is lifting everyone’s spirits.
Earlier in the week, I shared a picture of my Vizsla, Rosie, looking absolutely crestfallen that her sister Checkers got to go for a walk without her. Rosie gets jealous of any attention paid to Checkers. Does your dog get jealous?
Rosie, waiting for her sister Checkers to come back from a walk. Rosie doesn’t like to go for walks when it’s this hot, mind you; she just can’t stand it that Checkers gets to go. #ToddlerRules