As with yesterday, the picture attached to this post indicates the breed I picked to win the group, which probably means you should pick a different one!
Brittanys GCHG CH Hope’s Exceeding The Speed Limit UDX OM2
Lagotti Romagnoli GCHS CH Dolce Vita Taleggio
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes GCH CH Waterbound Everything Harvey VD Golden Gate NA NAJ CGC
Pointers GCHB CH Chesterhope Master Of T Arts
Pointers (German Shorthaired) GCHP CH Diadem J Sun Farms Solve The Case
Pointers (German Wirehaired) GCHB CH Hampton Court’s I’ll Have Another
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) GCHG CH Cache River Albridens Cutie Patootie
Retrievers (Curly-Coated) GCH CH Kurly Kreek Copperhead Road DJ DN
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) GCHG CH Artic Sun’s Hot Pursuit
Retrievers (Golden) GCH CH Katmar’s Mile High Magic DJ
Retrievers (Labrador) CH Farnfield Topo Gigio
Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) GCHB CH Hawks Nest Piper Archer BN RN CGC
Setters (English) CH Wingfield ‘N Chebaco Here And Now
Setters (Gordon) GCHB CH Bran Linn Amulet
Setters (Irish Red and White) GCHP CH Truly Gotta Have Faith BN JH CGCA TKN
Setters (Irish) GCHP CH Militza’s My Cherie Amour
Spaniels (American Water) GCHS CH Carolina’s Running With The Hare BN RN SH JHR CGC
Spaniels (Boykin) GCH CH Larley’s Finding Neverland
Spaniels (Clumber) GCHB CH Clussexx Another Day In Paradise
Spaniels (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B. GCH CH Foley’s Frat Party
Spaniels (Cocker) Black GCHP CH Clerwood Silhouette Speed Of Light
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-Color GCHG CH VC’s Chasing The Dream
Spaniels (English Cocker) GCHP CH Foxwoods Ivywood Fusion
Spaniels (English Springer) GCH CH Legacy Oak Emperor
Spaniels (Field) GCHS CH SandsCape Who’s That Girl
Spaniels (Irish Water) GCHB CH Flintcrest Full Monty
Spaniels (Sussex) GCHS CH Kamand’s Full Of Beans @ Erinhill
Spaniels (Welsh Springer) GCHS CH Clussexx Trouble Never Takes A Holiday
Spinoni Italiani GCHB CH Bella Campo N Hootwire Bark At The Moon JH
Vizslas GCHB CH Rhapsody Writing’s On The Wall RN JH CA DJ
Weimaraners GCHG CH Silhouette’s Spellbound
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons GCHS CH Whiskeytown Captain Morgan Cranberry Kiss JH
Wirehaired Vizslas GCHB CH Lascard De La Lande De Bourberouge FDC CA CGCA CGCU TKN