Pet Art for a Cause

I received the following e-mail from an artist friend of mine, and wanted to pass it along.  She is a wonderful therapist and paints beautiful pet portraits in her “spare” time.

Most people who know me are well aware that I am very passionate about pets. Many also know that I have a background in counseling trauma survivors as a mental health therapist for over 19 years.

The two interests are not exclusive of each other.  As a trauma counselor, I know that abuse to animals is often a sign that children and other vulnerable individuals are also in danger. Most people, however, do not realize that the two issues are deeply connected.

I am embarking on a project that combines my passions for pets, trauma survivors and art into a public art project that raises awareness about these critical issues. Beginning with a mural to be placed on a building in the downtown Canton, OH Arts District, I am setting a goal for myself to complete 6 public art projects in 6 different cities across the country to address this theme in 2011.

Think I am overly ambitious? Caroline Golon, national media relations expert and PR consultant, doesn’t think so. She has encouraged me to think big, and she is lending her services to the project to help me meet my goal.

You can help too.

I am using Kickstarter, an innovative new crowd sourcing program for funding creative projects, to raise the necessary funds for the first Okey’s Promise mural. Please consider pledging your support to the project here. Pledges can be small or large. Every dollar counts.

Please spread the word as well. The more people who know about the issue, and the more support that I gain for the project, the further ahead we will be in helping both humans and animals at risk. Forward this newsletter on to others; tweet about it; Facebook about it; blog about it; and share about it at the watercooler or wherever you hang out.

I have created a website to chronicle the Okey’s Promise adventure. I hope that you will visit often and also follow along on the new Facebook Fan Page.

Thanks for any support that you can lend, and thanks for joining me on this adventure!

Stay warm!


Would you like your city to be one of the 6 cities that host an Okey’s Promise mural in 2011? Send Vicky an e-mail at [email protected].

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