Tag Archives: charity
Tuesday Top Ten: Ways to Lower Your Tax Bill
Looking for a last minute way to create a charitable deduction for your taxes? This may be the last year ever that you will be able to use donations as a way to lower your tax bill. Check out our top ten list of the items most needed by shelters and rescue organizations. Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Ways to Lower Your Tax Bill
Charleston Firefighters Chip in to Help Abused & Neglected Animals
Shwew! It’s getting hot in here!
Kudos to the Charleston Firefighters for taking up this important cause.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
In Honor of Independence Day
Check out this neat offer from DogTagArt.com. I have purchased tags for all of my dogs from this company and have been very happy with them. They simply do NOT wear out. You can choose one of their snazzy (and often funny) designs, or create your own. So, give your dog the gift of a shiny new tag, and give a vet a pet at the same time.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Food Bank for Pets
Here in Ohio, March is Harvest for Hunger month, when we all try to set aside a little something to help feed those in need. Now, in Cleveland there’s an organization called Peace for Animals that has started a food bank for pets.
Pet Art for a Cause
A Wag of the Doggies.com Tail to Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl, Dr. Izzie Stevens of Grey’s Anatomy fame, has proven herself to be a true canine-atarian, with her recent actions.
Continue reading A Wag of the Doggies.com Tail to Katherine Heigl
Buy Pretzels to Benefit Carroll County (Ohio) Dog Pound
This e-mail came from a friend of a friend. Her products are absolutely excellent!
Continue reading Buy Pretzels to Benefit Carroll County (Ohio) Dog Pound
Want to do some good while shopping for your dog?
Didn’t get your fill of holiday shopping today? Here are two places you can go to shop for your entire gift list, while helping out animals in need:
Continue reading Want to do some good while shopping for your dog?
Dogs raise $45K by surfing!
If you ever watch NBC’s Nightly News, you know that Brian Williams features a segment on “Making a Difference” each night, showing what everyday people are doing to help those less fortunate. Usually, it’s people who work at a soup kitchen, or people who have founded a charity or something pretty conventional. However, the other night, he ran a feature on rescue dogs who showed their stuff at a surfing competition to raise funds for the charity Modest Needs.
The dogs are just too cute on their little surfboards – hard to describe – you have to watch it yourself!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!