Bonus Friday Funny: Bones Everywhere

Sharing a still photo rather than a video so you don't have to hear the whining.  Photo by Philley
Sharing a still photo rather than a video so you don’t have to hear the whining. Photo by Philley

I have three dogs. I bought three bones. One would think that would be fine, right? Wrong!

Current status: Rosie chews on her bone for about 10 seconds, then notices that the other dogs also have bones. She goes and steals one, so Checkers or Penny goes and takes hers, at which point she notices the others have bones again. And around and around it goes. I mean, I get that these are the good kind with something resembling peanut butter in the middle, but come on!

I swear I’m raising toddlers again. Thanks goodness Checkers and Penny are patient with her shenanigans.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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