I have three dogs. I bought three bones. One would think that would be fine, right? Wrong! Continue reading Bonus Friday Funny: Bones Everywhere
I have three dogs. I bought three bones. One would think that would be fine, right? Wrong! Continue reading Bonus Friday Funny: Bones Everywhere
I was just lamenting the fact that I can never get a good picture of all three of my dogs together, and my son takes this with no preparation or any special lighting or even any dog treats! Continue reading On The Homefront
In honor of yesterday being National Puppy Day, I’m sharing a few things from my own puppy, Rosie. In the picture above, she is sleeping in a laundry basket, not because she fits, but because she knows it’s her sister, Penny’s, favorite spot. Continue reading Life With Rosie
One night, I sat there for a few hours to watch TV, and she kept whining at me the whole time I was sitting there. I finally got up to go to bed, and she jumped up there and fell fast asleep. Mind you, this was about a week ago, and she hasn’t shown any interest in it since that night.
What a weirdo! But I love her.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
When I first got Rosie, I was able to get this very nice “My Pillow” brand dog bed for free because of points I had accumulated on my debit card. She immediately peed on it, so I put it on top of her crate to keep it nice until she got past the peeing and chewing up everything in sight stage. The cats have been enjoying it because they can see out the window between naps on it.
Fast forward four months…Rosie found it! LOL
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!