Category Archives: Poll

Saturday Survey: Reporting Dog Abuse

Don’t you hate it when you drive around your town and see a dog tied to a doghouse in all sorts of weather?  Or a dog that looks like he has never been played with in his life?  Got me thinking about how hard it is for most of us to get involved, to stand up for what’s right.  So, that’s the topic this week:  Would you report a neighbor who wasn’t treating his dog right?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Reporting Dog Abuse

Saturday Survey: Dog Contests

After posting this week about the poodle grooming finalists, it got me to thinking about the different types of contests available for dogs.  I’m not talking about conformance shows, obedience trials, or other sporting events, but about the type of thing you might see at a family picnic or county fair.  Have you been involved in any of these types of contests with your dog?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Dog Contests