Tag Archives: dogs

Friday Factoid: Lifespan

Longevity in domestic dogs depends on the care they receive, their breed, and body size. 

In general, larger breeds have shorter lifespans. 

Many giant dog breeds average only 7 or 8 years, while some small terrier breeds might live as long as 20 years. 

The average lifespan for mixed-breed and midsize dogs is about 13 to 14 years. The longest-lived dog with reliable documentation died at 29 in 1939.

From dogfacts.org

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Bee Sting Treatment for Dogs

Poor Penny!  She stuck that little Beagle nose in a beehive yesterday.  Because of my usual great photography skills, I’m not sure you can tell from the photo how swollen her whole snout is.  This picture was taken about 3 hours after the first Benadryl.  When she first came inside, her eyes were even swollen shut.  She looked a lot more comfortable this morning, thank goodness!

Does anyone have any home remedies or other tips for treating bee stings?  I want to be better prepared if it happens again!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Veterinary Neurology

Picture courtesy Veterinary Neuron

If you’re interested in your dog’s brain and nervous system and how they work, you might try visiting the Veterinary Neuron, a blog written by vet neurologist Steve Stienberg.

Although it is a newer blog, Steve already has articles posted on rehab and on a new drug which may be important in treating brain cancer.  There are also some neat pictures of CAT scans of a dog’s brain, if you’re into that type of thing.

Wednesday’s Wild, Wacky World of Dog News

First the wacky news: From the Associated Press: Sales Manager Jeff Colucy of Columbus, Ohio got quite a shock when he took his dog outside for a morning constitutional Wednesday morning. Colucy is one of those fortunate people who gets to bring his dog to work at Buckeye Caseworks.

Continue reading Wednesday’s Wild, Wacky World of Dog News