Category Archives: Poll

Saturday Survey: Marketing with Dogs

We’ve all seen them – the really cute Budweiser commercials that have adorable puppies interacting with the Clydesdales or the Honda commercials that have those beautiful Weims sitting in the van. Obviously, someone has convinced companies that having a dog in the commercial makes us more likely to buy their product. Is this true?
[poll id=”51″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: Major Purchases and Your Dog

I posted a week or so ago the top 7 dog-friendly cars as ranked by I’m not sure I take my dogs in the car enough to worry about whether or not the car is dog-friendly, but I recognize that some people travel extensively with their dogs. So, here’s my question: Do you consider the needs of your dog when you make major purposes?

[poll id=”49″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!