Tag Archives: Christmas

Saturday Survey: Puppies for Christmas

As I’ve stated a time or three, I have strong feelings against giving puppies for Christmas because they often end up in shelters when the giftee isn’t prepared to commit to a destructive puppy or a full-grown adult dog. But, I know it is a practice that continues to be popular. I’m curious as to how many of you have given or received puppies under the tree.

[poll id=”86″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Annual Rant: Why Puppies Make Lousy Holiday Gifts

shutterstock_236101117Please, please please, no puppies under trees! (OK, so I’ve been reading a lot of Dr. Suess with my kids lately.) Puppies make really awful Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa gifts for a wide variety of reasons. Please find something else to give your loved ones, then go adopt a pet AFTER the holidays.
Continue reading Annual Rant: Why Puppies Make Lousy Holiday Gifts