Like many, I’m about sick of wearing a mask, and I don’t even go out that often. I thought we could all use a little humor about the situation.
Happy weekend!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
All the ghouls and goblins will likely be out this weekend, and here are some great safety pointers to help your dog stay sane during the celebrations, from the Facebook page of American Pet Professionals.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
May 18 – 24, 2014 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week. What will you do to prevent dog bites this week?
Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Ways to Prevent Dog Bites
As you celebrate America’s independence today, be sure to give some thought to the fact that your dog may not be up for the same sort of celebration as you are.
Received an interesting press release from InterVet yesterday. This may be something some of you are interested in purchasing, but even if not, they make many helpful points about keeping your dog safe.
Continue reading Protecting Your Dog Under Stormy Conditions
Thanks to Helen Anderson for sharing this post from her site, HollywoodPets.com.
Continue reading Tuesday’s Top Ten: Ways to Keep Your Dog Safe
In doing my research for blogs this week, I came across three different news stories of dogs falling through the ice into lakes or rivers. Not only does this endanger the dog, it puts rescuers at risk as well.
Just a reminder: if you take your dog out walking near frozen bodies of water this winter, make sure he is properly restrained. Unfortunately, he can’t read the signs that say “Keep off – Thin Ice.” Take the responsibility to keep your dog safe, even though he’d much rather be chasing wildlife!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!