Tag Archives: shelter dogs

Dogs Saved by Aviators

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Check out this video from NBC News about the Pilots-N-Paws organization. It’s worth watching (if for no other reason) to see the adorable puppies!

Pilots-N-Paws picks up dogs from shelters where they would be killed and flies them in small private planes to more urban areas where people are looking for animals to adopt.

What a great show of cooperation to keep these dogs from being euthanized!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Tuesday Top Ten: Reasons to Adopt a Senior Dog

From the ASPCA:  top ten reasons why senior dogs make great adoptees!

10.  What you see is what you get

9.  They’re easy to train

8.  Seniors are super-loving

7.  They’re not a 24-7 job

6.  They settle in quickly

5.  Fewer messes

4.  You won’t bite off more than you can chew

3.  They enjoy easy living

2.  Save a life, be a hero

1.  They’re cute!

Read the whole article on ASPCA.org

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

The Mutt-i-Gree Curriculum

Have you heard about this program for kids, developed through a collaborative agreement between Pet Savers Foundation, Yale University School of the 21st Century (Yale 21C), and the Millan Foundation? The lessons highlight the unique characteristics and needs of Mutt-i-grees,® dogs awaiting adoption at a shelter, while teaching children social and emotional skills.

Continue reading The Mutt-i-Gree Curriculum

Aug 26th is National Dog Day

Founder of National Dog Day Colleen Paige started celebrating and publicizing this day in 2004 in memory and honor of the search and rescue dogs who worked at Ground Zero. She wanted to encourage people to adopt shelter dogs, and her efforts have now gone international with six countries participating in the celebration in 2011.

So, join with dog lovers around the globe this Sunday and celebrate National Dog Day by adopting a shelter or rescue dog. If you can’t adopt, consider fostering or donating.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Adopt a shelter dog or donate to a shelter.

Shelter Sunday: Hound Rescue / Austin, TX

I’ve finally found my favorite shelter – one that is dedicated only to BEAGLES! (The very best dog around, as far as I’m concerned.) I’m thrilled to feature them on this week’s Shelter Sunday, and to introduce you to Honey. This beautiful girl is being fostered in Austin, Texas by Hound Rescue. Here’s what their website has to say about her.
Continue reading Shelter Sunday: Hound Rescue / Austin, TX



Shelters and rescue groups need your help!

Donate Now: Your help is needed for pets affected by wildfires in Colorado and New Mexico.
Your donation to the Petfinder Foundation will help provide immediate assistance to organizations caring for pets displaced by the emergency.

Petfinder.com Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization (#87-0694641) that supports animal adoption organizations. Your donation is tax deductible. Donations may also be sent by snail mail: 4729 E. Sunrise Drive; Tucson, AZ 85718.

Please give if you can!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!