How Does Your Garden Grow?

Having trouble keeping your landscaping nice because Fido doesn’t understand you just paid someone $1000 to spruce up the yard?  Even if you’re just growing a few vegetables, you’d probably rather the dog didn’t eat them all before you got a chance to harvest them.

Two of my dogs have figured out a way to get over the chicken wire into the garden, but only one has figured out a way to get back out.  More often than not, I have to rescue Penny (the beagle) or she just sits there and howls.  So, I appreciated this article in the Detroit Free Press a few days ago. 

Some of the suggestions offered include:

Make your yard more pet friendly by designing pathways around the edge and through the gardens where the dogs are allowed to walk. 

Plant your shrubs a good distance apart from each other, so they will not be damaged when the dog runs by wagging his tail.

Have a fenced in portion of the yard just for the dogs so they can’t get near your expensive garden.

Remove plants that may be harmful to your pets, and make sure your mulch doesn’t smell too attractive to the dog.

If you’re going to fertilize, keep the dogs inside until the poison has been absorbed, or search for organic lawn products.

If you’re in Colorado, the Denver Botanical Garden has classes on pet-friendly gardens.  If that’s not convenient, contact your closest garden club and ask for advice or ask for help in running a class in your area.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

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