Category Archives: Dog Activities

Join the Party!

Cute puppy wearing a Halloween witch hat.

The ASPCA is hosting its annual #TricksOrTreats Twitter Party on October 25th at 2 pm. They’ll be asking pet-related Halloween trivia questions and giving away treat-filled prize packs throughout the evening—including prizes from Alex and Ani and PBteen!

You must RSVP here to be eligible to win. Grab your favorite sweets and tune in on October 25th at 2pm EST to the hashtag #TricksAndTreats!

Sounds like fun!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

New York City Dog Parks

Beautiful French Bulldog Puppy Dog Pup Puppy Whelp OutdoorMy new Monday feature brings you locations and details about dog parks in major cities. This week, we’re looking at New York City, which as you no-doubt know, doesn’t have a lot of green space outside of Central Park. To find out about dog-friendly areas in the city, I consulted Animal Alliance NYC, an initiative of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC Animals. They list several reference sites, one of which is the NYC Parks Department, which in turn offers an extensive list. My list below gives you one example from each borough. Continue reading New York City Dog Parks

AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence

Haus, winner of
Haus, Exemplary Companion Dog winner
It’s like Oscar season for dogs! Last week, we reported on the Paw of Courage awards. This week it’s the Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE). This just in from the American Kennel Club:
The AKC® Humane Fund is pleased to announce the winners of the 17th annual AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE). These awards celebrate five loyal, hard-working dogs that have significantly improved the lives of their owners and communities. Continue reading AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence

Chicago Dog Parks

Two dogs are playing in the park.

I’ve been spending a lot of time in Chicago lately, so that seemed like a good place to start on my new Monday feature: Dog Parks in Major Cities. To get the low-down, I consulted Windy City Paws, a site that connects dog families with available walkers and sitters in the metro area. They have a longer list, but I’m going to give you one example for each area of town. Continue reading Chicago Dog Parks