Category Archives: Top Ten List

Tuesday Top Ten: Ways the Miss America Pageant Would be Different if Judged by Dogs

It’s the Dog Lady’s birthday today, so I cheated and picked up content from another site to share with you today.

Found this post on the Mighty Might Dog Gear Forum, and just had to share!  Kudos to whoever wrote it – I found it hysterical!

Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Ways the Miss America Pageant Would be Different if Judged by Dogs

Tuesday Top Ten: Hardest Dogs to Obedience Train

Last week, we covered the breeds that are easiest to train.  This week, the dogs who are hardest to train.  Again, this says nothing about the intelligence of the dog.  Trainability is not the same as intelligence.  In my opinion, it speaks more to the stubbornness of the breeds, as well as to their native character traits.  For example, the Beagle is simply a nose with feet.  Dogs of this breed are much more interested in following scent trails than commands.

I have included a link for each breed back to our breed guides where you can find information on the history, temperament, and health of each one.  (Or check out our complete list of dog breeds.)

Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Hardest Dogs to Obedience Train