Tag Archives: dog walking

Rent A Dog for your Pokemon Go Hunt

According to a story circulating on Facebook, a Muncie, Indiana, animal shelter started a program where you could rent a dog for $5 an hour to walk with you while you were playing Pokemon Go, so people wouldn’t think you were an idiot. This much is true, although I don’t think they actually charged people; they just wanted dog walkers.
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LeashPod: The Must-Have Dog Accessory

I was given a sample LeashPod to try out this week, and I have to say I was impressed with the design and functionality. The LeashPod is an all-in-one doggie clean-up unit, comprised of a poop bag dispenser, a receptacle in which to carry the full bag, and small pockets on the side which could carry dog treats, a cell phone, or even a bottle of hand sanitizer to use after you clean up a mess. Continue reading LeashPod: The Must-Have Dog Accessory

Tuesday Top Ten: Excuses for not walking your dog

I was writing an article today for this weekend’s edition of Straight Poop, our free e-mail newsletter.  The article was on teaching your dog to walk nicely on a leash, and it got me to thinking about why I never walk my dogs.   Here are my top ten excuses – what are yours?

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