Sad news to report today. If you’ve been anywhere on the web lately (including here), you may have seen the security video footage of a cat who chased away a dog when the canine attacked the cat’s toddler.
Continue reading Update on Dog Chased Away by Hero Cat
Tag Archives: pet euthanasia
RIP Maggie May
Continue reading RIP Maggie May
Saturday Survey: Would You Euthanize a Sick Dog?
Several members of my family were debating this lately. My sister’s dog was very ill, to the point where her husband was having to carry Yogi up and down the steps, outside to do his business, and to the food dish at meal times. Without seeing the dog personally, it was hard to know whether or not he was in significant pain, or had any quality of life. Several of my family felt it was time to put him down, several others thought maybe not. Continue reading Saturday Survey: Would You Euthanize a Sick Dog?