All posts by The Dog Lady

Bee Sting Treatment for Dogs

Poor Penny!  She stuck that little Beagle nose in a beehive yesterday.  Because of my usual great photography skills, I’m not sure you can tell from the photo how swollen her whole snout is.  This picture was taken about 3 hours after the first Benadryl.  When she first came inside, her eyes were even swollen shut.  She looked a lot more comfortable this morning, thank goodness!

Does anyone have any home remedies or other tips for treating bee stings?  I want to be better prepared if it happens again!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Product Review: Vet’s Best Ear Relief

According to the Veterinary Pet Insurance Company, canine ear problems were the leading cause of vet visits in 2009.  I was recently asked to try out a product called Vet’s Best Ear Relief, a wet and dry system from veterinarian Dawn Curie Thomas.  In the interest of full disclosure, I will tell you that they sent me a free sample to try on my dogs.

Continue reading Product Review: Vet’s Best Ear Relief

Wednesday’s Wild, Wacky World of Dog News

You may have seen the television show about hoarding, but lately I’ve been hearing a lot about pet hoarding, too.  (In fact, the name “Dog Lady” came from a running joke we have about a friend who has nine cats – we always said when she died the headline would say something about her being a Cat Lady.)

Continue reading Wednesday’s Wild, Wacky World of Dog News

Tuesday Top Ten: Small Breeds

If you have a small home or if you just like smaller dogs, you might want to choose from one of the breeds on this list.  Small dogs are generally a little less expensive to care for because you will have to buy less food and smaller-sized accessories such as kennels, leashes, and toys.  In addition, some of your veterinary care will be less expensive because you will be buying smaller doses of medication.

Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Small Breeds

Veterinary Neurology

Picture courtesy Veterinary Neuron

If you’re interested in your dog’s brain and nervous system and how they work, you might try visiting the Veterinary Neuron, a blog written by vet neurologist Steve Stienberg.

Although it is a newer blog, Steve already has articles posted on rehab and on a new drug which may be important in treating brain cancer.  There are also some neat pictures of CAT scans of a dog’s brain, if you’re into that type of thing.