Tag Archives: police dogs

Is Barking Covered by the First Amendment?

Those of you who check in every day will remember this post from early April, where a man was charged with teasing a police dog.   Seems the man was quite inebriated when he began barking at the dog who was confined in the back of a police cruiser.  When asked what was going on, the man replied, “He started it.”

Now that the threat of a trial looms for this man, he is claiming that he was exercising his right to free speech by barking at the dog, so the law under which he was cited should be declared unconstitutional!

On the flip side, the police department (of Mason, Ohio) is saying that the man was creating a danger to the dog because by getting the dog stirred up, he was increasing the possibility that the dog might injure himself inside the cruiser.

What do you think?  Is the man just an idiot or is he a criminal?

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Police Dog at Columbus Airport

It seems wherever I go, I make new dog friends.  This beauty was working at the Columbus airport when I went to meet my mother for our weekend trip to Boston.

For the life of me, I cannot remember this dog’s name, but I’ve never met a friendlier police dog.  I was almost afraid he was alerting to me because he walked right up to me and started sniffing me and wagging his tail.  The officer just laughed and said, “No, he’s just smelling your dogs on you.”

Thanks for keeping our airports safe, Mr. What’s Your Name!

(Officer – If you read this, please remind me of the name in the comments below.  Tks.)

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

UPDATE:  Thanks to Officer Daives for reminding me that the dog’s name is Segal!

Police Dog Arko

We went to see Barack Obama at a rally in Cleveland last Sunday.  Stationed just behind us was this beauty.  I didn’t think to ask his handler which agency they were from, but I’m assuming he is a bomb sniffer dog – possibly with the Secret Service.  Considering all the noise in the arena, he was so incredibly calm!

Sad News for the Seattle K-9 Force

Picture Credit:  Seattle Police Department
Picture Credit: Seattle Police Department
Freddie, a Seattle PD bomb squad member for more than six years, has died. He was taken to the vet Saturday, where he required surgery to remove his spleen and multiple transfusions. Unfortunately, he died soon after the surgery, although he had been revived prior to the surgery when his heart stopped.

Freddie and his partner, 24-year veteran Officer Craig Williamson, had been together since 2003 and had received numerous honors including the Award for Excellence at the 2008 Seattle Police Foundation awards ceremony and being named a premier team by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, which trained Freddie.

Our condolences to Officer Williamson on the loss of his faithful companion.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!