Tag Archives: Puppies

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Rescues Puppy from Pool

Rock puppies

We saw the movie San Andreas this weekend, but that’s not the only reason why one of my favorite actors, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, is a hero. He brought home two new Frenchies, Brutus and Hobbs, this weekend, and when they fell into the pool, only Hobbs knew how to swim. Brutus sank like a stone, and Mr. Johnson rescued him.
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Saturday Survey: GoDaddy’s Super Bowl Puppy Ad

I think GoDaddy was going for edgy when they put together this year’s Super Bowl ad, but I’ve heard others say the ad was meant to be satire, based on the success of Budweiser’s puppy ads. Either way, I’m glad they’ve decided to pull it. There was such a groundswell of emotion touched off by the commercial that the company decided they couldn’t air it during the big game.

The part that was most disturbing to me was not the punch line, however. It was the puppy being bounced out of the pick-up truck in the first place. Dogs, especially puppies, should never ride in the back of a truck!

What was your opinion of the ad?

[poll id=”63″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Annual Rant: Why Puppies Make Lousy Holiday Gifts

shutterstock_236101117Please, please please, no puppies under trees! (OK, so I’ve been reading a lot of Dr. Suess with my kids lately.) Puppies make really awful Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa gifts for a wide variety of reasons. Please find something else to give your loved ones, then go adopt a pet AFTER the holidays.
Continue reading Annual Rant: Why Puppies Make Lousy Holiday Gifts