Category Archives: Dog Shows

My Picks for Westminster 2011: The Working Group

We’ve been working our way through the breed groups this week, in preparation for the 2011 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.   Today’s topic:  the Working Group.

This group is dominated by Boxers, who claim four of the top ten spots in the current group rankings, but I’m going to go out on a limb and choose a dog of another breed as the group winner.

Continue reading My Picks for Westminster 2011: The Working Group

My Picks for Westminster 2011: The Terrier Group

Continuing on with the Terriers, after having covered the Herders, the Hounds, the Non-Sporting dogs, and the Sporting Group earlier in the week.  Remember, these picks are totally my opinion only, and you can play along by consulting the list of dogs invited to Westminster and the current rankings from Doll-McGinnis Publications.

Continue reading My Picks for Westminster 2011: The Terrier Group

Puppy Bowl VII Ratings

Animal Planet is reporting record ratings for this year’s Puppy Bowl.  1.7 million people tuned in to the premier broadcast (up from 1.1 last year), and after five subsequent re-airings, a total of 9.2 million people saw it in all. 

I liked it okay – it was really cute…for awhile.  But really, it’s just two hours of puppies running around playing on an indoor football field.  I can’t imagine over 9 million of us had nothing better to do, but what do I know?

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!