All posts by The Dog Lady

Tuesday’s Top Ten: Dog-Related Expressions


Have you ever wondered why so many expressions, particularly so many negative expressions, are related to dogs?  There are easily 10 times more expressions about dogs than about any other animal.  Linguistic experts say the negative expressions reflect the fact that dogs used to be used for hard work:  hunting, herding, exterminating, and the like.  It is hard to imagine this, given the culture today of treating dogs as pampered pets and members of the family.  With that introduction, here is a list of the top ten dog-related expressions and their origins.

Continue reading Tuesday’s Top Ten: Dog-Related Expressions

Petition for Dog Burned Alive in Kennel


I received this horrific e-mail from my friend and fellow animal lover, Pam Amantangelo, today.  I hesitate to post such stories because they seem so surreal that I never know whether or not they are true.  So, here’s my disclaimer.  This does not appear on, either as a true story or as a false one.  However, the lady listed as collecting signatures does indeed exist, as confirmed by a websearch of employees at the University of Cape Town, where her e-mail address originates.  Anyways, here is the story.  Please contact Ms. Faulman if you need further details.

Continue reading Petition for Dog Burned Alive in Kennel

Your Dog: A Good Friend, Indeed

Happy Martin Luther King Day!  In honor of Reverend King, I present this post about good friends who provide us the help we need.

I received a very touching e-mail from Pete Dowan, a songwriter who is disabled.  He states that when his condition was first diagnosed, he needed a little help each day to keep going.  His poodle/chihuahua mix, Scuttle, provided motivation for him to get out and walk everyday.  When Scuttle passed away at the age of 17, Pete wrote this song in his memory – it’s absolutely beautiful!  

Continue reading Your Dog: A Good Friend, Indeed

Update on the Obamas’ Dog Choices

Apparently, the Obamas have narrowed their choices for a new first dog to either a Labradoodle (shown above, on the chair) or a Portuguese Water Dog (shown above, on the lawn). 

Everyone has an opinion on which they should choose.  Even Senator Edward Kennedy, who lives with three Portuguese water dogs, released a statement advocating the breed after President-elect Obama announced his family had narrowed its choice down to just two breeds.

Many people have expressed concern that neither of these breeds is likely to be found in a shelter.  Not so for Labradoodles, says Stephanie Shain, of the Humane Society of the United States.  “Sadly, every time (and I mean EVERY time) we see a kind of dog become suddenly popular we see a huge growth in the production of those animals in puppy mills (mass breeding operations – awful places), a huge increase in the number of people buying them, and a spike in the number of that kind of dog in shelters and resuces.


It happened decades ago to Cocker Spaniels (circa lady and the Tramp) and more recently with Dalmatians (101 of course).


Labradoodles came on the scene a few years ago. Shelters are likely to classify them as a “poodle mix”, not necessarily a “Labradoodle”, although some will mark them as such.


They are out there in need of homes…loads of them. ”

See the rest of Ms. Shain’s comments here, in a transcript of an online public chat held on January 15th. 

And don’t forget to vote for name here.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!