All posts by The Dog Lady

Wednesday’s Wild and Wacky World of Dog News: Three Lucky Chihuahuas

You’ve heard the expression, “living the life of Riley”?  I don’t know who Riley is, but I’m thinking I would rather be living the life of Conchita, Lucia, and April Marie.  As the four-legged children of Gail Posner, they got used to living in a luxurious $8.3 million mansion on Sunset Island near Miami. 

Continue reading Wednesday’s Wild and Wacky World of Dog News: Three Lucky Chihuahuas

Poor Chance!

My brother & sister-in-law have been out of town this past week, so Grandma has been babysitting their dogs, Chance and Matilda.  When I talked to her last night, she said Chance has taken to sitting down in front of her and saying “woof”.

She said she’s let him out, fed him, petted him, and done everything else she can think of, but he still sits in front of her and says, “woof” every few minutes.  I think he just misses his daddy!  (He’s a big old daddy’s boy.)

I thought I had a picture of them, but I guess not.  I’ll get one from Jim when they get back so you can see just how pitiful Chance is.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Shelter Sunday: Polar Pug Rescue / Anchorage, AK

Meet Sherman!

Sherman is currently a ward of Polar Pug Rescue in Anchorage, Alaska. According to the Polar Pugs web site:

Sherman is a 6 year old black ‘special needs’ pug.
A lifelong bout with chronic dry eye has left him with eyesight that is not the best. He sees just fine but has a harder time in the dark. Because of his dry eye he requires special ointment twice daily at an approximate cost of $40.00 per month.
This sweetie is getting around so much better since his knee surgery.
Sherman is still getting therapy for his knee. He now is on Rimadyl possibly for the rest of his life. This cost about $60.00 per month.

About Polar Pugs (love the name, BTW):

Polar Pug Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization made up entirely of volunteers within Alaska. We are here to help rescue pugs find their ‘forever homes’.  Pugs surrendered to Polar Pug Rescue are placed in foster homes with dedicated volunteers for evaluation, social needs and vet visits.

For each and every pug, the care we provide includes:

  • Getting them up-to-date on vaccinations.
  • Spaying/neutering them (if needed).
  • Microchipping.
  • Solving their social and health issues on a one-to-one basis.

We try to match the perfect home to every pug. No pug will be turned away. We will take any and all pugs regardless of age, health or temperament.

The next Pug Party happens Saturday, July 10th, 2010.

Join our Yahoo Group for more pug party details.

If you have any questions, contact Maryjo at [email protected]

Here are pictures from the May 8th, 2010 pug party.

I’m not real sure what a pug party is, but it sounds like fun!

If you’re going to be near Anchorage soon, why not write to Maryjo and make an appointment to see Sherman or any of the other wonderful rescue dogs they have.  If you’re not near Anchorage, check out rescues and shelters in your area on Petfinder’s Shelters Center.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

An Open Invitation to all Shelters

I’d like to start a regular first-of-every-month feature on this blog, highlighting fundraisers & events at various shelters and rescue organizations throughout the US and Canada.  If you are affiliated with a shelter or rescue, please submit your event calendar to me (TheDogLady AT doggies DOT com) by the 25th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s feature.

If you know of someone who works at a shelter or rescue, please direct them to this post!  (

Thanks for your help!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Take Your Dog to Work Day is Tomorrow!

Don’t forget!  Tomorrow is Take Your Dog to Work Day, an event designed to make more people familiar with the joy dogs bring into our lives so they will be more likely to adopt them.  Assuming your dog is one who would be a good ambassador to promote dog adoption, why not consider asking your boss if you can participate.

Continue reading Take Your Dog to Work Day is Tomorrow!

Tuesday Top Ten: Dogs for Apartment Dwellers

Many people focus on size alone when selecting a dog to live in an apartment, but there are other considerations equally, if not more, important.  Activity level, ease of housebreaking, and the amount of noise a dog is likely to make should also be considered.  Here’s our top ten list for the breeds that will do best in apartments. Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Dogs for Apartment Dwellers