The AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin continues to draw impressive numbers. An entry of 5,051 dogs will compete for the title of National Champion on December 18 and 19, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Combined with the other weekend events including the AKC Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy and Junior Stakes, AKC Agility Invitational, the AKC Obedience Classic, AKC National Owner-Handled Series Finals, AKC Fast CAT Invitational and the Junior events, the overall show totals top 8,540 entries, remaining the largest dog show in North America.
“We feel extremely fortunate to be in Orlando, FL once again hosting these events despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dennis B. Sprung, AKC President and Show Chairman. “The AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin continues to be an event that attracts top-quality canine athletes from around the world, and we will uphold the tradition of this magnificent show in a safe manner. Thanks to the knowledgeable breeders, exhibitors, and judges who make the National Championship a must-see event. Adding to the show are our important Fast CAT, Agility, Obedience, NOHS and Junior competitions.” Continue reading AKC National Championship Will Host Over 5,000 Dogs December 18 – 19 in Orlando→
We are heartbroken to share that Pet Alliance’s Orlando location was damaged by a devastating fire last night. We are very sad to report that we lost 23 cats to the fire, but firefighters and staff were able to save ALL of the dogs.
All of the saved animals will be transported to the Sanford location for assessment and care. We appreciate the community’s outpouring of support. If you wish to make a donation you can do so on our website. We will let the community know what other help we need as we move forward.
UPDATE: After last night’s devastating fire at our Orlando location, we were able to save a total of 45 cats and 26 dogs. This includes four additional cats that shelter staff discovered this afternoon. We are heartbroken to report that we lost 13 cats and there are 4 still missing. Staff will be setting up traps at the location in the hopes of locating the missing 4. Continue reading Shelter Fire in Orlando→
Miami is really embracing the power of dog noses. They have had COVID-sniffing dogs screen fans at Miami Heat games and attendees at the South Beach Wine and Food Festival. Now they have taken on the employees at MIA.
So far, they’ve gotten grades above 95% for accuracy!
As workers continue to pull human remains from the pile of rubble in the Surfside, Florida, condo collapse, the Lutheran Church has sent in their comfort dog team to give families and workers a big hug.
A team from Miami-Dade’s Urban Search and Rescue Task Force runs to board a U.S. Marine helicopter in response to a devastating earthquake in Turkey in 1999. Photo from Miami Herald Archives
By now, you’ve no doubt seen video of the building collapse in Surfside, Florida. What you may not know is how experienced the Miami-Dade Search and Rescue teams are. This isn’t their first rodeo, so to speak.
Remember the little puppy who got snatched by a gator, and his dad pulled him free? Recognizing Gunnar’s bravery, the Lee County (FL) Sheriff’s Department has now made him a deputy!
You’ve seen the kids on the side of milk cartons. Recently, a Florida brewery announced they would be putting lost dogs on the sides of beer cans. And they had at least one success! What a sweet story.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Boxers until I spent some time with Miss Abby, who lives with a friend of mine. Such a sweetheart! Now I think I need one, but with four cats and two dogs (one of whom is still a puppy), I think I’ll wait a while.
Photo courtesy Pasco PDFrom the Facebook page of the Pasco (Florida) PD: GET WELL SOON, K9 LEMON! We had a medical emergency [last week] involving #K9Lemon. He suffered a stomach-flip, which can strangulate intestines and result in death if not operated on immediately. Fortunately, Officer Josh Madsen (K9 Lemon’s driver) recognized the problem and got him to the vet for emergency surgery. Continue reading Prayers for K-9 Lemon→
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