All posts by The Dog Lady

A-Easy Driving Method: So Easy, Even a Schnauzer Can Do It

Yesterday, my partner dropped a dog cookie.  You guessed it – the dogs went after the cookie and ended up mistaking Debbie’s toe for the treat.  She has a nasty infection and had to go to the ER last night.  On the way home, we stopped to pick up her antibiotics, and found this car in the parking lot:


Sorry it’s so dark – this was 11 at night.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Is your dog a boy or a girl?

genderEven though most of us, as responsible pet guardians, have spayed or neutered our dogs, effectively making them “its”, we have been struggling here at with how to refer to animals without offending either gender.  Did you ever ask someone “What’s his name?” or “How old is he?”, only to have the person look down his nose and say “SHE is whatever…”

We definitely don’t want to offend, so, I’ve been asked to run a poll to see what you think.  How should we be gender-inclusive on the blog, as well as in our articles and other features?

Continue reading Is your dog a boy or a girl?

Maggie, the Golden Retriever who eats anything

goldenPoor Maggie.  We were out of town Friday & Saturday.  (Proud mom moment:  my oldest son’s softball team won the state championship!  Great picture here of him sliding into 2nd.  )   

But I digress – back to Maggie.  We left her sister’s pills on the kitchen table for the sitter, and Maggie ate not only all of the medication, but also half of the plastic bottle as well.


Just before we got home, she apparently brought back up everything she’d eaten for the past week, so we had a lovely odor to come home to, and she didn’t feel quite up to par all day Sunday. 


She was so funny – she didn’t want her food, but she wanted to make sure no one else got it, either.  I’d let all four of them into the kitchen for their food, and she would just dance around her dish until I picked it up and put it out of reach of the other dogs, then she would go lie down and sleep until time to go out again.


But, she was feeling much better this morning, and gobbled her food like there was no tomorrow, so I guess she’ll live. 


Remember, this is the same dog that cost me $1600 in emergency surgery to have what looked like a paper clip on the X-ray removed from her stomach over a holiday weekend a few years ago.  (Ended up being a kid’s toy piece that had a piece of metal inside so it would stick to a magnet.  Would have eventually passed with no problem…probably.)


I keep waiting for her to learn not to eat things that make her sick, but I think maybe her humans need better training on not leaving things out where she can get them!


Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: Does Your Dog Like Kids?

We’ve all seen movies or pictures where young children tumble on an impossibly green lawn (free of dog poop), frolicking with a litter of puppies.  The reality, however, isn’t always that pretty.  Puppies nip.  Children pull tails.  So, how does your dog do around children?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Does Your Dog Like Kids?