Category Archives: Behavior and Psychology

Does Your Dog Look Guilty?

guiltyHave you ever caught your dog doing something, then scolded him, only to be met with a very sheepish look from your dog? Our collie used to slink to the floor when she was discovered on the living room couch. She actually looked like she was trying to disappear under the carpet.

A researcher from Barnard College named Alexandra Horowitz thinks that we (the humans) may actually help cause that guilty look.
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Sometimes its better not to put a dog to sleep

From Grand Rapids, Michigan comes this report: a man took his dog to the vet 2 weeks ago and found out she had several cancerous tumors. Surgery was not an option, and the man didn’t want to put his dog through chemo, so he chose to let her live out the time she had left with some help from painkillers. Early Saturday morning, his house caught on fire, and the dog awakened him to the danger! Scott Seymour credits Brittney, a 9-year old bulldog, with saving his life. Incredible! It’s nice to hear good news every once in awhile.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

101 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Dog

My new book is published!  I put together a book of tips all prospective dog guardians should read before bringing home a new puppy or even a grown dog.  Everything from the fact that they pee on or chew up all of your possessions to the fact that some day you will have to put them down.  The book features 126 pages and over 100 full-color photographs, and is available only online.

As a blog reader, you can purchase this book at a $2 discount by using the discount code HW5UFEP4 at this website.

After you read it, please let me know your opinion!

Happy reading!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog.

A Wake-Up Call from my Dog

Ya’ gotta hand it to my Golden, Maggie.  She knows how to get her way.  I know she wants to be the center of my life, but enough is enough!  For whatever reason, she decided that I needed to be out of bed at 5:30 this morning.  She started by pawing at my face.  OK, so I’m a little behind on clipping her nails, but that hurt!

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