The Furminator: God’s gift to shedding dogs?

furminatorI was talking to a friend today, and he told me about what he calls a miracle product.  He said a friend told him about the Furminator awhile ago, but said it had cost $50 at the pet store.  Although my friend John struggles with his German Shepherd’s blowing his coat twice a year, he decided he’d rather vacuum every day than spend $50 to get rid of the problem.

Then, he found the same product on e-bay (new in box) for just $15, so he decided to give it a try.  He couldn’t say enough good things about it!  According to John, he brushed Harley only twice this spring, and never had to worry about excessive hair around the house.

I’m thinking I’ll have to go buy one now.  If you look at their Web site, it’s unbelievable how much hair they got out of the pictured dogs (one of them shown above) with this product, but from what John said, it’s absolutely true!

Have any of you tried the Furminator?  What was your experience?

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Dog/cat picture caption contest

people-petsI received word that People magazine is holding a caption contest with this picture.

If you have a funny caption to describe what these two animals are discussing, simply go to the People Web site, create an account and enter your caption.  They also give you the opportunity to upload your own pet photos for future contests.

Make sure you comment here and tell us what you sent in so we can all enjoy a laugh!  My entry:  “Mom!  He’s looking at me!”

Rob Worrall – I especially want to see your entry!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Taco Bell dog dead at 15

chihuahuaEarlier this week, handlers of Gidget, the chihuahua made famous by starring in Taco Bell commercials, announced that the dog suffered a massive stroke and had to be euthanized at the age of 15.

Now some tasteless bloggers have noted that Taco Bell has a new chalupa filling, but this blog would never go there.

The idea for a talking Chihuahua was first pitched to Taco Bell by two men from Michigan, but the company turned it down, afraid of being nailed by activists who thought it was too stereotypical.  The company dismissed the two men’s idea, but then used it anyways, resulting in a $42 million payout after a later lawsuit.

Rest in peace, Gidget.  Vamos a extrañar.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Rapid Bath: The Quickest Way to Bathe Your Dog?

beagle-bathAt the risk of starting another Potty Patch debacle, I have to ask if anyone has tried the bathing system called Rapid Bath they are now showing on TV.  The company claims you can now bathe your dog in 3 minutes because the spray head allows you to wet your dog at the same time you are applying the shampoo.  Then, you switch off the shampoo dispenser and rinse the dog with clear water through the same spray head.

I haven’t tried it, but it seems like it would be a good time-saver, especially in homes like mine with multiple dogs.  I usually take my dogs in the shower with me so they can’t escape through the glass doors, but I do have trouble getting the shampoo on their undercarriages, so I wonder if this product wouldn’t help with that as well.

Have you tried the product?  Is it easy to use?  Does it scare your dog?  Is it worth the price ($49.95)?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

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