Angel Service Dogs

port-water-dog Have you heard about Angel Service Dogs?  There was an article in People Magazine about the founders, Brett & Sherry Mers of Monument, CO.

Their daughter, Riley, is terribly allergic to peanuts, to the point where she cannot enter a room where there is any possible source of contact with a peanut product.  Her mom saw a TV show about how dogs are used in airports to detect illegal foods being brought into the country.  She wondered if dogs could be trained to detect allergans, and thus a non-profit organization was born.

The first breed they have chosen for training is the Porti -how Presidential!

They now run a foundation dedicated to training service dogs for allergic people and matching these people to a dog who meets their specific needs.  The dogs not only know how to use their noses, they also are trained to get help and can even push a pre-programmed phone button to call 911 for help.

What a great idea!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Just A Dog

huggingNot sure where this came from, so if you can identify the author, please let me know.  Thanks to friend-of-the-blogger, Wendy, for sending this to me.

From time to time, people tell me “Lighten up, it’s just a dog,” or “That’s a lot o money for just a dog.”  They don’t understand the distance traveled, time spent, or costs involved for “Just a dog.”

Some of my proudest moments have come about with “Just a dog.”  Many hours have passed with my only company being “Just a dog,” and not once have I felt slighted.  Some of my saddest moments were brought about by “Just a dog.”  In those days of darkness, the gentle touch of “Just a dog” provided comfort and purpose to overcome the day.

If you, too, think it’s “Just a dog,” you will probably understand phrases like “Just a friend,” “Just a sunrise,”  or “Just  a promise.”  “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.  “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.  Because of “Just a dog” I will rise early, take long walks, and look longingly to the future.

For me and folks like me, it’s not “Just a dog.”  It’s an embodiment of all the hopes an dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.  “Just a dog” brings out what’s good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.

I hope that someday people can understand it’s not “Just a dog.”  It’s the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being “Just a woman.”

OK, now be honest – how many of you have a tear in your eyes after reading this?

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: Reporting Dog Abuse

Don’t you hate it when you drive around your town and see a dog tied to a doghouse in all sorts of weather?  Or a dog that looks like he has never been played with in his life?  Got me thinking about how hard it is for most of us to get involved, to stand up for what’s right.  So, that’s the topic this week:  Would you report a neighbor who wasn’t treating his dog right?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Reporting Dog Abuse

Does Your Dog Look Guilty?

guiltyHave you ever caught your dog doing something, then scolded him, only to be met with a very sheepish look from your dog? Our collie used to slink to the floor when she was discovered on the living room couch. She actually looked like she was trying to disappear under the carpet.

A researcher from Barnard College named Alexandra Horowitz thinks that we (the humans) may actually help cause that guilty look.
Continue reading Does Your Dog Look Guilty?

A Dog’s Indoor Potty Patch: A Question

We’ve gotten a ton of feedback to previous posts about the potty patch, and as you know if you’ve been following along, the company said they would begin shipping product very soon. Has anyone actually gotten one? I’m curious as to if they are making good on their promise, and as to whether or not the product works. Please comment below if you have one! Thanks.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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